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Publication Design

Cipe Pineles Accordion

This book showcases my study of various typefaces. Between its Perfect Bound exterior there are experimentations of twenty-four different fonts. Leading and kerning of each typeface was studied, with the most successful explorations being displayed in the book. Amidst the design, there is a brief history about each font. Flip through the book here.


24 Fonts Book

24 Fonts Bound Book

Guys & Dolls Script

As an assignment for class, we were to design the layout for a complete script. The challenge this project presented was to successfully showcase the tone and emotion of the play through the typography. My layout, while reminiscent of typical scripts, has variations that allow the typeface to speak and the tone of the story to be visible. The cover design uses stock images combined with a typographic element, accurately portraying not only Guys & Dolls but also the importance of typography within the project. Browse through the script here.

Guys & Dolls Script Publication

Cipe Pineles Accordian


published 2017

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